We're on a mission to reinvent on-the-go gear that's better for people and the planet.
Way better.
The car industry is weighed down by bulky gear that's poorly designed and destined for the landfill.
We designed the Pico to be 100% recyclable.
WAYB's recycling program, in partnership with carseatrecycling.com, ensures Pico's journey doesn't end when it's done with its adventures.

WAYB limits the use of plastic in products & packaging. When it is used, we source recycled or recyclable plastic without compromising on quality and safety.
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Infinity (and beyond)
WAYB's AeroWing™ aluminum is aerospace-grade (same kind used in rocket ships!) and is infinitely recyclable through WAYB's recycling program.
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No PU (ew!) foam here. When foam must be used, we source foam that is more durable, heat-resistant, and trusted for use in aerospace adventures!
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No Baaa'd Wool
AstroKnit™ is a wool-polyester mesh that creates a comfy seat without foam & fabric. Plus, our wool is sourced from Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) certified suppliers, protecting sheep and the land they graze on.
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Better for people,
better for the planet.
Way better.
Follow Along on our adventures @hellowayb
Pico Recycling Kit