Where can I use the Pico?
The Pico travel car seat is cleared for takeoff and ready for the road, passing federal safety tests for use in planes or cars. Bring it on the road trip, in the air, everywhere. If you’re flying with kids, renting a car, taking a family road trip, hopping in an Uber or Lyft with little ones, or just doing the Tuesday carpool, the WAYB Pico is ready to go.
FLYING WITH KIDS: The Pico travel car seat is perfect for flying with kids. It’s light, easy to carry on, and installs with the airplane seatbelt to keep kids secure. Starting at age two, parents are required to purchase a separate seat for kids flying… but if your kids are like our kids, it’s not always easy to keep a little one buckled and in that seat. The first time our wee Houdinis figured out how to pop open that plane seatbelt, it was game over. The Pico easily installs in the seat of an airplane to keep junior comfortable and secure. And if for some reason you aren’t using your Pico, it’s not taking up the seat for the rest of the ride. Simply fold and stow in the overhead bin.
RENTAL CAR WITH KIDS: Skip the hassle, and the yuck factor. The Pico travel car seat is the perfect portable car seat to use in a rental car. Bring your own safety seat instead of wrangling with one of theirs, and feel good knowing how to install it. The WAYB Pico installs with a car’s LATCH system or seatbelt.
TAXI, LYFT, UBER WITH KIDS: No matter how short the ride, it’s simply not worth it to skip the car seat. Pico makes it easy to bring your own so you can make every ride safer for your kids. The WAYB Pico installs with a car’s LATCH system or seatbelt.
CARPOOL SPARE: Keep an extra car seat handy for carpools. The Pico folds small and can easily stay in the trunk for the impromptu playdate or to fit in an extra rider.
CAR SEAT FOR TRIPLETS: Because the Pico’s frame is made of aluminum, it’s super strong without the bulk of a plastic seat, making it easy to fit in an extra rider in the back row. The Pico fits three-across, even in a sedan. Tic. Tac. Toe.
CAREGIVER CAR SEAT: The Pico is a great spare car seat to keep on-hand for a babysitter, nanny, or that glorious built-in babysitter: the granny nanny. Help Nana and Poppy take the kids out and about with the portable, light, easy-to-move Pico car seat.
CAR SEAT CAR SWITCHING: As a parent, the single most enjoyable, rewarding moment is uninstalling a car seat, and re-installing it in another car. Just. Sheer. Bliss. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH. If you’ve been there, you will probably detect a hint of sarcasm. The Pico makes things a little easier with a light car seat you can keep in the trunk, move from car to car, or leave in a school cubby. Yes, the Pico still takes installing, but we think it’s pretty darn easy to get it in tight and right, especially with push-button LATCH buckles that quickly click in place.